
Showing posts from July, 2019

Acts 2:42 Back to the Basics

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’  [ a ] doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42 I love it when I do my daily devotions and the Holy Spirit directs me to scriptures to confirm (or deny) something I experienced within the last 24 hours or so. Yesterday, someone asked me what was a good devotional for a friend. A friend who had a 'relationship heartbreak' and wanted to pray but said they didn't know how. Someone raised in the faith, but who hadn't been walking with the LORD, in a long time. Someone not going to church, but needed to get back. As often is the case, this wasn't the first time. Like many of us who drift or walk or run from God, it takes a hardship, trial or tragedy to cause us to seek Him again and again. Whether for our own selfish motives or not, returning is always a good thing. Heeding God's call to  repent and seek Him is the right thing. Staying in His will, obeying his commands and learning ...